Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Corn Mother- Tracing the Pyramid Builders Through Agriculture

Corn was found in Egypt in the pyramids. Today, I was watching a video of Cahokia mounds that mentioned a Corn Mother. It made me think of the Media myth, which I believe has roots in Kmt and is a story of a an educated women who knows how to cultivate taken from Africa because of her knowledge to produce food and medicine. So I figured if a corn mother figurine with a similar story was found at a mound site, along with corn, maybe there is a connected between corn and Egypt. I had noticed corn in heiroglyphs before, the House of bread, Denderah. I had researched before to no avail the origin of corn in Egypt. So I put it aside. Until tonight. I came across this book by Gunnar Thompson called Ancient Egyptian Maize

I will come back to this topic at a later date. But I thought it noteworthy to post about corn mother as another feminine figure that follows the development of pyramid structures in cultures outside of Denderah. It is my belief that through tracing not only DNA, but the foods that people eat and the plants cultivated. We can gain a better understanding of the people who inhabited ancient civilizations.
Corn Mother

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