Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Take Me As Your Bride Dear Student & I Will Educate You

Divine Wisdom

Solomon, Imhotep, Thoth, Hermes, Djehuti, Jesus

Horus my child, remember my horns, as your lamb.

Time, astronomy, NTR, thought.
Receive my teachings.
See my light
Suck of my milk
Wish upon my star
Build with me
Lay the foundations with my rope
The leaves of my tree are for your expressions
Mother, Wife, Sister, Child.....there are many angles to learn from me
3 + 4=7 then its the 11th HR, dear child HoRus
Hurry, before the midnight hour. Call for me, and I will hear you.
There is much work to be done, much to be learned, so much to teach, for you to share.

Lady Wisdom, She Who is Wisdom,

Theresa Kennedy

Temple Edfu
Abbasid Solomon's Seal
Star of David
Caliph in Baghdad from 1226 to 1242

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