Monday, April 23, 2012

Sacred Mathematics Embodied in African Culture

Today I was thinking about Seshat and the history of mathematics and archaeology. I asked myself where is the cultural proof in Africa of the embodiment of this science. If it is so old and comes from this land, where is it seen within the structure of the culture where libraries are not existent to hold the knowledge?  Then a blog reader emailed me this video. I had seen this video some years ago, but the email served as a reminder that we are all connected and the answers are there if you look. Thank you for that.

Bringing research like this work done by Ron Eglash to the public is important in the study of Seshat and the written scripts connection to KMT. Before there was the written word, there was the living word. Those who existed and embodied the knowledge, outside of that which is embedded in our DNA acted out unconsciously, but that which we create consciously. What happened to the people who embodied sacred mathematics both intuitively and consciously?  They are here, living and breathing the lives that their ancestors have taught them through ritual and secret society.

We must not destroy this knowledge because it is my belief that we don't know yet all that it contains in its most subtle forms. To discredit it, accept part but not all as valid or truth would be catastrophic to human history and culture. I hope that we can honor others and allow them the respect to be who they are without the destructive thoughts that we have all the answers that they should adopt our ways to the abandonment of theirs. 

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