Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Secrets in Plain Sight (3 hour movie)

This documentary was sent to me this morning. I wanted to share is as a marker for myself to come back to and to inform others. The Masons involvement in divine architecture as it relates to its connection to KMT is definitely a topic that needs more open discussion. This morning I was thinking of Eugene Lewis and felt an almost weeping inside. A question of why? I hope that through inquisitive inquiry we can all gain a better understanding of 7 or Seshat and the teachings from Ancient Africa that are hidden in plain sight. This video mentions Isis but not Seshat. This makes me wonder the connection between Seshat and Isis other than the obvious. This is Sirius.


  1. Seshat and Nephyths (the sister of Isis) are often times interchangeable. Many who meditate on Nephyths or Neferet feel she might possibly be the Dark Mother aspect of Isis. Seshat's son with Djehuti/Thoth is called the horns of Horus. As time progresses, it seems it was very important to the Egyptians to have their deities related to each other like a large family. As for similarities? Well, One shared with us measurement and rulers (Isis)more like time, and days, and hours Seshat was into the measurements associated with surveying. This means both of them supposedly shared with humans how to organize things and categorize things previously unmanaged. Once again, an Egyptian principle making ORDER out of Chaos. The similarities between the two considering Isis took on eventually almost all Goddess charateristics could at least fill this blog...Thanks for the post today.

  2. I do think they are aspects of the same, Seshat/Isis
