I wanted to reflect on this holiday weekend before it is past. Today is Sunday July 6, 2014. On Friday evening most Americans went to a central location in their closest city to watch colored explosions in the sky, drawing our eyes and hearts to that above with a display of bursting moving lights we call
fireworks. I met a young man from Canada on Friday and he said that their holiday is celebrated on July 1, 2014, 7/1. the date my birthday hit pick for but I digress.... I tried to reflect on what the ancient significance of this time period was for in Africa. I knew there was something, but couldn't put my finger on it. So I researched it Saturday and Sunday. This time I am going to write it down, I decided to blog about it, so next year it doesn't escape me. As the masons were so connected to the building and architecture of America, they are also holders and implementers of ancient scripts passed down from Africa. The July 4th we celebrate was a chosen date by those who signed the Declaration of Independence. It was not just a date it happened to be signed, in fact if I recall correctly there was another date involved. But the date we celebrate and that is etched in our psyche is 7/4. So as it is, every July 4th marks Sirius/Septis/Sopdet/Star of Bethlehem/Eastern Star rising.
So, what does this date chosen by the land surveyors and architects have to do with Seshat? Astronomy and the teachings of as above so below. More specifically, the Dog-Star Sirius. We mark this stellar phenomena with stellar phenomena called pyrotechnics dates back to 7th century China to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and the Mid-Autumn or Harvest Moon Festival, within 15 days of the autumnal equinox. This started during the Shang Dynasty 16th century BCE among the
Hakka people. I wont go into the early history of rockets or gunpowder, but its here, centuries after the festivals.

Ming Dynasty Jin Ping Mei fireworks
Back to Sirius and Egypt
This image illustrates how Sirius to the ancient astronomers may have connected the New Years (Perhelion) festivals with Independence Day (Aphelion). Embedding this scientific knowledge into ritual for the masses as we begin to endure the "Dog" days of the summer. The NW YR has been a time of festivals to honor Ssht at the midnight hour for thousands of years along the Nile Valley in Africa. The New Year was set by the heliacal rising of Sirius.
Here are some Egyptian depictions of Sirius, 13 degrees 57 min, that we can see obviously.
Sopdet/Sothis |

Seshat |